
Try and penetrate with our limited means the secrets of nature and you will find that, behind all the discernible concatenations, there remains something subtle, intangible and inexplicable.

Veneration for this force beyond anything that we can comprehend is my religion.

To that extent I am, in point of fact, religious.

Albert Einstein

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Posted 177 weeks ago
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Posted 177 weeks ago
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Posted 177 weeks ago


The entire secret of life, of power, of everything, was taught to me when I was a teenager, by a man, a farmer.

And he taught it to me in the way that is so typical of men: three sentences, no more.

I contend that the real conflict today is not welfare and ‘hand outs’, but urban versus agrarian values.

Conflict is inevitable, when people forget where food and sustenance comes from. That’s the situation we are facing today.

People have forgotten that life operates in cycles. There’s a season for sowing and a season for harvesting.

City life disconnects people from the earth. Soon enough, city-dwellers start believing they can get by in life by trading ideas.

They become angry and frustrated, when no one is willing to pay for their worthless ideas.

It does not help that politicians come to the rescue with the ever-expanding welfare checks.

Shape Up by Shedding Fat

Mary Bellavita -Shortcuts to Six-pack Abs

All values in life are produced through the dissipation of mental and physical energy. Welfare prevents people from dissipating physical and mental energy.

Either use it or lose it.

Your muscles grow and get stronger, when you exercise them through use.

Your muscles atrophy and become weaker, when you are prevented from using them. Welfare prevents you from using your muscles.

I learnt this lesson from a farmer named, Mbonga.

I lived in Sambwe, which had a population of about 300,000 and made good money for a teenager, working as a hired hand.

I applied for a job in the countryside and took the bus to meet the farmer, Mbonga. He welcomed me and told me, we were going to pick up a new truck.

We got into his beaten up FORD sedan and drove 1hour to meet the car dealer. Not even a single word was uttered throughout the ride. It was one of those easy comfortable silences that men often use to communicate more than words ever can.

We picked up a new 4-wheel drive Toyota pickup truck and headed back to the farm.

When we got back, he pointed to a large gravel pile by the barn and told me to fill the truck bed with gravel and go fill in a hole in the entrance to one of his fields.

Shape Up by Shedding Fat

Mary Bellavita -Shortcuts to Six-pack Abs

I said “But that gravel will ruin the paint on the bed of this brand new truck.”

He looked at me silently for about a while, his expression eloquently saying that I was the biggest idiot he’d ever been burdened with having to tolerate in his life.

Without saying another word he picked up the shovel and, with a swing that would be the envy of every major league baseball hitter, he swung it around…

…and smacked the side of the truck sending paint chips flying in every direction and leaving a huge dent.

He looked at me again with that same “I can’t believe you are such an idiot” look and said:

“City boy this is a FARM truck. I didn’t buy it to look pretty, I bought it to DO WORK, same reason I’m paying you. Now it isn’t new anymore, so shut up and shovel the fucking gravel.”

Then he turned around and walked off, leaving me to feel foolish. I was feeling foolish, but I had just become wiser.

Of course it took the entire context and circumstances for me to understand the full significance of the lesson: not with my head but with my spirit.

Simplicity is the key to brilliance. Truth does not need a thousand words.

Words do not produce results. Words don’t acquire land. Words do neither toil nor sow. Words do not harvest, process the food and transport it to the market.

ACTION is the only way to produce results. Shut up and shovel the damn gravel.

Shape Up by Shedding Fat

Mary Bellavita -Shortcuts to Six-pack Abs

It is by shoveling the gravel that the hydroelectric dams were built.

Men and women of action “handed over” the results of their work to welfare moochers.

The millions of tons of gravel which went in to building the transcontinental railway were shoveled by men and women of action.

Millions of men and women enjoy the conveniences they have today, because millions of their ancestors ‘shut up and shoveled the damn gravel!’

Their ancestors did not wait for someone to “hand over” those dams or that railroad to them, they shut up and shoveled the damn gravel and built them.

That’s how every great RESULT is ACCOMPLISHED!

Shut up and shovel the damn gravel!

Credits to ‘The Book of Zed’ by the Zen Priest

Shape Up by Shedding Fat

Mary Bellavita -Shortcuts to Six-pack Abs

Posted 177 weeks ago
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